Wig Maintainance

Wig Maintenance: A Beginner's Guide

What’s the one thing every wig wearer worries about? Whether or not other people can tell that you’re wearing a wig.

Nothing is worse than being in the grocery store and wondering if everyone is staring at you because they know your hair isn’t really yours.

First, you should know they probably aren’t staring at all (there’s a half-off sale on paper-towels right behind your head, Carol). Second, whether or not people can tell if you are wearing a wig depends not just on the quality of your wig, but also how well you take care of it.

Read these tips to keep your wig looking fresher, fuller and more natural for longer than ever before.

1. Wear your wig less often

We aren’t saying not to wear a wig every day. We’re saying you shouldn’t wear the same wig every day.

Wearing a wig is like wearing an LBD. Over time the color fades, the threads to start to run, and the overall appearance diminishes.

If you’re an everyday wig wearer, you may want to consider buying two wigs and rotating them. The less you wear your wig, the longer it will last. Besides that, rotating will allow you to care properly for your wigs on “off” days.

2. Wash your hair...but not too often

You don’t need us to tell you that washing your hair too often can dry it out, turn it brittle, and make it lose shine.

If you’re rotating your wigs, you should be able to wait a few days between washes. If you only have one wig, wait a few days between washes to maintain your wig’s natural luster.

3. You paid good money for your wig, invest in high-quality products to maintain it

Say it with us: “Not all shampoos and conditioners are created equal.”

You know it, we know it, your stylist knows it. Even your husband - who says he is okay with Pert and has secretly used your shampoo for the past 25 years - knows it.

Using shampoos and conditioners specially designed for wigs is the key to wig longevity. Traditional shampoos and conditioners have harsh chemicals that can permanently damage your wig, and your wig hair won’t repair itself over time like natural hair.

4.  Practice proper wig washing techniques

Gone are the days of rubbing shampoo into your scalp.
Doing that will wear out your wig, and you’ll have to buy a new one sooner than you’d like.
Follow these techniques when washing your wigs:
  • STEP ONE Soak your wig in soapy water for a few minutes. Then, gently comb the shampoo through the hair. Do not rub or massage the product into the wig as that will result in residue buildup, which clumps your wig hair and possibly cause permanent damage.
  • STEP TWO Gently rinse the wig in clean, warm (not hot) water and comb through. Repeat this process until all the soap is gone.
  • STEP THREE Repeat steps one and two with your conditioning product.
  • STEP FOUR Detangle your wig immediately with a detangling brush.
  • STEP FIVE Air dry your hair. NEVER use a hair dryer on your wig. The hot air will permanently damage a human hair

5. Visit your stylist!

She misses you! (We miss her, too. Say hello for us?)

Styling wigs is an entirely different process than styling natural hair. Your stylist should be able to give you some tips and tricks for styling your wig without damaging it.

More importantly, if you make a mistake cutting your wig on your own, it will be permanently damaged. Your stylist went to school to learn how to cut human hair and wig hair, so she is much less likely to mess it up!

Make sure to check-in with your stylist each time you buy a wig. Different wigs style in different ways, so it’s good to get advice for each one.

6. Do not sleep or shower with your wig

Just trust us on this one, okay? Wig bed head is significantly worse than regular bed head.

Just Don’t Do It!

7. Keep your wig covered and upright between uses

When you aren’t wearing your wig, make sure it is appropriately stored. Keep your wig in a cool room. If you’ve learned nothing else reading this post, it should be that heat and wigs are a dangerous combination.

It’s also a good idea to keep a small humidifier in the room you store your wigs in, especially if you live in a drier climate. A humidifier will keep your wig from drying out.

Leave your wig on a mannequin head (an expensive styrofoam one is fine) and use a light cover to protect the wig from dust and exposure.

8. Don’t neglect your hair just because you wear a wig every day

This tip is last, but it’s probably the most important.

Maintaining clean hair and a healthy scalp is something you should be doing already. When you have a healthy scalp, you’ll prevent residues, oils, and grease from seeping into your wig. Plus, with a healthy scalp, your wig will feel more comfortable.

Wig maintenance requires practice and dedication, but once you’ve implemented these tips, you’ll start seeing your wigs last longer and look better.
Take care of your wig, have fun, and look fabulous!